Westmoreland Association, Inc.
Organized 1917 & Incorporated 1924
There are two public parks within the Westmoreland community. Admiral Park is the playground opposite PS-94, on Little Neck Parkway between 42nd and 43rd Avenues. Glenwood Landing is the triangular park located at the intersection of Glenwood Street and 39th Road.
Beginning in October, 2017 -- with the support of the Douglaston Garden Club and the NYC Parks Department -- we began twice yearly cleanups of Glenwood Landing Park, in Spring and Fall; in the Fall we also plant daffodil bulbs. During both cleanups we pick up trash in the park and along the side of 39th Road where it borders the Long Island Railroad parking lot. (The Spring 2020 cleanup was cancelled due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. However, several of our members carried out a cleanup on their own.)
The cleanups are an opportunity for members of the community, of all ages, to come together for a few hours and get to know one another better, while helping make our area even more beautiful.